![]() I was lying on the ground, watching the Hogs root the other day...haha! - Yes, that sounded a little strange. But, sometimes to get the best perspective for a photograph, or video I have to lay on the ground, not to mention, everything looks so beautiful from there! Watching them made me think about something that Seth and I talk about, when our circumstances create discomfort, real frustration or pain. It came about from something fascinating that we've been observing with the hogs... IT'S AMAZING - all the things you can learn from Animals, just by watching them! Something Seth and Liam have been doing with the Hogs this past year is allowing them to create a disturbance in our soils in places that intensive rotational grazing, chicken tractors and compost have not made enough of a change in our soil to improve the pastures. The soil is just plain stubborn there. Each of us have some uniquely amazing gifts!Lots of folks have been working on breeding pigs, lately to avoid the rooting instinct, but sometimes when you let a pig be a pig it can do some pretty amazing things. One of my favorite things, is to observe the animals and see how each uniquely gifted species fits into the whole. PLUS! There are so many lessons that can be learned! By carefully monitoring and allowing the Hogs to root up a spot, - as long as we keep it minimal - we can create enough of a DISTURBANCE where STUBBORN soils do not want to change. Then, toss on some healthy seed and it looks pretty ugly at first, but quickly, it sort of wakes up the soil or shocks it if you will, and creates a huge positive change in that area. The funny thing is there's a pretty simple, yet practical lesson that we've learned from this and it's particularly beneficial at the change of the New Year. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of disturbance to create enough discomfort for me to grow. I think that's true for a lot of us. Simply put, I have the choice to let the disturbance get too deep and cause destruction or to monitor it and allow it to make me just uncomfortable enough to take an objective look at myself and make change. It might be a bad habit or making changes related to healthy eating, or simply something I've been wrong about, but too stubborn to admit. 😉 There was a time that I dreaded the disturbances in life and made all of the excuses to make them bigger, now I recognize that disturbances can be a great tool to help us grow. When things are uncomfortable, challenging or frustrating, Seth and I look at each other (or our kids) and say, "Well, it looks like its creating a little disturbance, are you going to grow, or let it get too deep and destroy you?" It always makes me approach things differently. Amazing- what animals can teach you when they are doing what they were created to do! Have a wonderful start to your '2018' and make those disturbances build you into the amazing person that you were made to be! Much Blessings, Raini The Allens - Seth, Raini, Liam, Charise and Rhian 7U Ranch, LLC P.S. Remember, I'd love to hear your stories and "Aha" moments, too! Leave a note in the comments below OR, email me: [email protected] If you'd like to order our Walnut Grove Pork for pick up, delivery or shipment, take a look righthttp://www.7u-ranch.com/place-order-here.html here.
Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022