December 03, 2018December 03, is a special date for me for a couple of reasons. The first, you can probably understand why, is that I was due with our firstborn on that date almost 18 years ago. Liam surprised us a few days early, but the date still stands out in my mind, with fondness, especially this year.
Here we are, 18 years later and guess who gave us a fun reminder? One of our Jerseys who provide you with delicious, nutrient rich milk has been resting for a month now in preparation for delivering her next calf. Annie's due -YOU GUESSED IT! December 03, 2018! While we wait for Annie to rest up, we definitely miss her production. You may have noticed that some dairy products aren't available right now, or that we've had to adjust the quantities on your order based on availability. Well, this is the perfect opportunity to explain how this all works, so that you know what to expect with your dairy orders and can be as excited as we are for Annie's due date!
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Have you ever looked at a recipe, raised an eyebrow at the odd combination of ingredients, then decided it might be worth a try? Well, usually I have a pretty good instinct as to whether or not it will be good, but sometimes I'm wrong and it ends up being a GIANT fail. I always figure that it's worth the risk, because we've come up with some amazing family recipes by trying the suspiciously odd ones, tweaking them a little and WOW! - no regrets ;) This pastured pork and pumpkin recipe started as I was searching for some new recipes to try. I had a feeling that our pork roasts cut into stew meat could taste amazing with some pumpkins we had grown this year. After looking through the ideas, I just decided to throw them all out and just have fun with it. (that is usually how I do my best cooking... PLUS~ it's more fun that way!) Long story short ~ this stew ended up being a super easy "from scratch" recipe and everyone LOVED it, so it will be added to our list of favorites. I hope you'll try it. You won't be disappointed with the crisp fall colors and intensely delicious flavors coming from this one of a kind dish. Make sure you don't leave anything out....I'll have a printable version of the recipe along with some tips below, but first, I wanted to make sure that no matter how strange the seasoning combination sounds, you won't leave anything out. :) It really needs everything to get this amazing cozy stew flavor. Pastured Pork and Pumpkin Stew:Here is what you're going to need... (I use organic ingredients (or, ingredients grown with 'beyond organic' practices, whenever possible)
Tips and Tricks...
Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022