In the last few weeks I've been listening to you and hearing more and more of you express how frustrated you are with finding good, healthy food and knowing what exactly is in it. As I listened to one dear lady, she told me of how she felt that she couldn't trust what was on the grocery store shelves any more. And, the information on the labels no longer matter to her, because of the lack of integrity in the food industry. Then another showed me articles that discuss meat having abscesses in it, passing inspection for sales and consumption. This same meat being labeled as originating in the USA, when it actually was raised in other countries, just processed in the United States. Does meat make you sick?Before we raised our Walnut Grove Pork, my family actually had to stop eating any pork products. We just began to get sick every time we ate it, even nauseous , just smelling it. We already raised our Pasture-Fed Beef and knew what a huge difference in our health and overall energy eating clean meats made. So, we began to look into raising Pork, too. We love how the hogs add one more dimension to the whole puzzle on our ranch. For us, we have seen quality increase, colors in meat become more vibrant and animal health and longevity increase. And when each new animal does what it was designed to do, it adds a new improvement and health to our pastures and land. When you let a pig be a pig, amazing things happen!As Joel Salatin says, " We honor the pigness of a pig." Because, like chickens, they are omnivores, so we let them root and graze pasture, forage for nuts and roots and bugs along with supplementing sprouted non-gmo grains from a local farmer in Grangeville, in addition to barley grass mats in the winter. Because the cows and sheep are herbivores, we don't feed them grain. We rotate them through clean pastures that are not sprayed with pesticides or herbicides or fertilized with chemical fertilizers. When an animal gets sick, ( which we see less and less each year). We treat them with herbal preparations, made right here on the ranch. If they are so bad that they have to have antibiotics, we do not process their meat for sale. Instincts are highly valued around here! We try to observe and use our senses in order to meet the needs of the animals we are caring for. Why is this important?So, maybe you're wondering why I'm telling you all this! Well, every day we see how easy it would be to fall into the trap of trying to increase production and cut costs. But for us, we want to raise food that you can trust is just exactly what it says on the label.~ To feel confident that our standard of quality is so high, we expect the same level of quality for you, that we do for our own family. That's why we so value "local food." As my husband Seth says, "because this gives you the ability to ask all the questions you need to, or even come see how it's produced. It creates a level of accountability, when relationship is established between producer and consumer." We welcome you to the ranch, to see what we're up to or catch us at the farmer's market or on a delivery and ask us questions that are important to you. We promise an honest answer.
And as always, email us any time. [email protected] -Sincerely, The Allens~Seth, Raini, Liam, Charise and Rhian P.S. Here's one scrumptious way we prepared sliced, fresh pork belly:😊
Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022