Have you ever stood in the grocery store aisle staring in frustration at the label on a package of eggs ...or beef ...or milk...or any other product? Reading the fine print, ingredients or all of the "right" certifications, and looking around for someone to ask, but there is no real way for the clerk to answer your questions. *Sigh* Grass-fed, pasture-fed, organic, non-gmo, natural~ and if it's organic, is it pasture-fed? If it's pasture- fed is it non-gmo? And Grrrr...did they just change the wording so that I think it means something and it's really just a clever way to confuse me, so I will buy their product? You're so frustrated that you end up using the "eenie meenie miney moe" method, OR you ask yourself why you're putting yourself through all of this when you really don't know what any of it means anyway, and put everything back on the shelf. We often here people lament that there should just be "better labeling laws", but maybe there is a better solution... So, do you just give up? Several years ago, I was standing in the grocery store and doing this very thing. I thought, "If only I could just ask the person who made this, or grew this, then I could actually get the answers that I needed." Our family had been reading some books by Joel Salatin at the time and had been introduced to that very concept of buying foods from your local farmer and cultivating relationship and trust between buyer and grower. We knew that this is the direction we wanted to head through our ranch ~ we wanted to create relationships with folks who buy our foods, so that they felt comfortable asking the questions that would allow them to make the important decision of what foods to purchase for their loved ones. At the time, we were only offering beef in half and wholes and we faced many challenges. We not only wanted to make changes in selling direct and creating relationships with our customers, but we also wanted to implement strategies that would produce outcomes of healthy contented animals and clean, quality meats. ~ Foods that you could trust and just feel were better for you. We got started reading, researching and experimenting. One of the best things we have learned is the value in connecting with you and giving you the chance to see what we do to raise quality meats, eggs and dairy. Not everyone gets the chance to come out and set foot in the pasture, so we created a video showing a demonstration on our cattle rotations ~ One of the things we do to improve the health and quality of our animals. Sit back and enjoy as our son, Liam takes you through one of our cattle rotations... Now there is no more frustration over labels~ for the food that we don't grow, we get to ask questions of other growers and get to know the folks growing our food...then make the decision that is best for us!
As always, if you have questions~just ask! ([email protected])...or leave a comment below. Happy May! Raini (The Allens- Seth, Raini, Liam, Charise and Rhian) Need to purchase beef? Get your half and wholes here. Or, purchase individual cuts and bundles here.
Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022