I might of thrown a little internal fit at first lol, but I knew what he was saying was absolutely right, so I began to become more aware of what they could do and learn at their age. There were some frustrations, because I'm continually developing patience and I definitely had to grow, but I was amazed to see the rewards. It's become one of my favorite things to do- have the girls working along side me in the kitchen and I will NEVER regret that decision. My first surprise came one day when the girls were ages 5 and 6 and Seth and I had just finished up chores. Rise and Rhian wanted to surprise us and made us the most perfect iced coffees and the softest, most beautiful pizza dough, in preparation for dinner. I was shocked at what they had learned just by watching and helping...and YES! Through quite a few extra messes. I also started seeing some of their gifts and strengths shine through...Amazing how unique each one of us has been made. It definitely would have been much easier just to do it myself and clean up myself, but the girls and I would have missed out on so much. I can honestly say that both girls surpassed what I can do in the kitchen, a long time ago. Rise makes an amazing roast using beef OR pork roast and I'm so glad she's going to be sharing it with you today. She's also given you tips on how to take it from a roast to a pulled pork, or pulled beef recipe. Charise's Roast and pulled pork, or pulled beef:Rise AllenI take care of the sheep and help with growing barley fodder, setting up paddocks and help rotate cows through our pastures on the 7u Ranch. I also love essential oils and have an online store where I offer them. In the summer, my sister and I operate the food booth at the farmer's market...I hope to meet you there! Have you ever looked at a Roast and had no idea what to do with it or you are fresh out of ideas and you just want to have a quick meal you can start at the beginning of the day. I have a couple recipes for you. Roasts are actually very simple, easy to make and don't take up a bunch of time plus the extras can always be saved and used for the next meal. Melt In-Your-Mouth Roast Recipe Ingredients: 1 Pork or Beef roast frozen (you can get them here) 2 T sea salt 2 whole garlic cloves diced 2 tsp ground black pepper 1 tsp oregano 1 T basil For sandwiches: 1 cup ketchup 2 T molasses 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp garlic Hot sauce (optional) for roast meal: 1 medium onion sliced 3 carrots sliced 5 potatoes Directions: For the roast: 1. Place the roast in a crock pot with 1/2 cup of water. Then add the diced garlic cloves, the salt, oregano, basil and the black pepper to the roast then place the lid on and cook on high for 7 hours. 2. Then add the chopped potatoes and sliced carrots in with the roast and cook for another hour. Then it is ready to serve. For the pulled pork or beef sandwiches: 1. Place the roast in a crock pot with 1/2 cup of water. Then add the diced garlic cloves, the salt, and the black pepper to the roast then place the lid on and cook on high for 8 hours. 2. Then using 2 forks pull apart the roast until it is in shreds. Then in a bowl mix together the Ketchup, molasses, brown sugar, garlic, and hot sauce for the barbecue sauce. 3. Add your barbecue sauce to your pulled pork and serve on hamburger buns. A few tips for you:
If you have any questions, or comments just make a note in the comments below.
~Rise Allen
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Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022