My daughter asked me what I was smiling about, on the way home from one of our deliveries the other day. I told her that one of my favorite parts of growing healthy foods, is getting to hear stories of how the foods we produce have helped someone heal or given them the chance to enjoy foods that have burdened their lives with allergies in the past That day, one lovely lady explained that she had not been able to consume dairy in the past and that it gave her stomach pains and irritated her gut. She said that she was so happy that she had found our milk and that she hoped we would never stop providing it. ...But, she was curious. What was the difference?I love hearing each story from you, describing how healing it has been for you. Getting to see your excitement when you tell me you can FINALLY digest milk and you can feel that it is just good for you, makes everything we do worth while! Hearing things like, "I feel bones feel stronger" or "I don't have the pain in the afternoons, that I used to feel when I drink your pasture-fed milk", makes us love what we do even more! We are often asked ~ "We've tried raw milk before, so... what makes this so different?" So today we are going to talk a little about some of the differences between raw milk from cows fed grain and raw milk from pasture fed cows (fed zero grain) and what some studies have found. We've had other raw milk before, so... what makes this so different? So, we know that drinking raw milk is much better for you than drinking milk that has been pasteurized and homogenized. Pasteurization is heating the milk to kill bacteria. The problem that pasteurization creates, is that it also kills all bacteria, even the friendly bacteria that help us digest the milk itself. It also makes calcium and other minerals less available for absorption. Homogenization breaks fat globules and distributes them throughout, keeping the cream from rising to the top. According to studies it has been linked to heart disease. This is pretty common knowledge so we'll get right to the differences between raw milk. I am amazed every time I read through the ever growing list of benefits in Pasture-fed raw milk products. It's true...Real food is medicine! Need to print this? We've made a printable for you here ~ This may give us a clue as to why so many farmers who eliminate grain from their dairy cow's diets are hearing that their milk is so easy to digest ~ Even from people who have never been able to tolerate it before. And while cows that are not fed grain have much lower production of milk, we have found that in this case, it is better to choose quality over quantity! Find out how we keep your raw milk safe and fresh here. Missing out on this powerful superfood? Order and visit the ranch store here ~we have milk, half and half, yogurt and ice cream! (And amazing butter in the spring and summer!) Or join a drop point! Interested in getting in on our next order of Walnut Grove Pork? Everything you need to know here. Here is a great video from Professor Ton Baars ~ senior scientest and researcher and member of the raw milk institute. We love to here your comments! Let us know your experiences with raw pasture based milk.
1 Comment
12/8/2024 05:21:56 am
Hello, curiously I was searching online if grain-fed raw milk and grass-fed raw milk were the same, because inside me something told me that they are not the same. I feel in my heart that for several centuries the industry has created a fear of raw milk (grass-fed) for profit purposes, psychologically forcing farmers to sell their products in exchange for cents, and then the industry obtains a profit in obscene proportions, because according to a friend who worked in the dairy industry, the gallon of milk that most people buy only contains 33% of real milk (grain-fed). My comment is just a feeling without any evidence, with the intention that people lose their fear and investigate for themselves. “God bless Raw Grass-Fed Milk.”
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Raini Allen
I take care of your orders and make sure they are bundled and ready for delivery and pickup. I'm also the person you'll be visiting with through our emails and if you have any questions about our ranch, our products, or need help finding a recipe! I look forward to helping you! Charise AllenCharise, (also goes by Rise) Takes care of the sheep with her sister here on the ranch. She loves creating natural cleaners with quality oils and ingredients, through her business: Natural Oil Health and has lots of helpful essential oil information and cleaning tips! Categories
February 2022